Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another kind of journey

Yours truly has been hitting the (yoga) mat with a vengeance over the past one month. By the time my mom left two months back I was back to where I had started a month earlier.

However since I have resumed my yoga practice, the journey has been fruitful.

Results have been wonderful considering I am a dietician’s nightmare and once upon a time was my gym trainer’s badge of shame.

I have not lost weight but my horrible wings have significantly melted. For the first time, I have something called a waist and I have already begun hoping for a 26 inch waist. It is important and essential to aim big and thin if you happen to be living in the land of size zero women.

I did not expect much when I began doing yoga. But now I am willing to kick ass if anyone nods in approval.

For me yoga is one of the best ways to gently initiate the body into losing those extra inches and becoming flexible. When I now look back to all the frustrating days I could not lunge down and touch my feet and count up to five, I smile.

While doing surya namaskar, I still cannot touch my knees with my forehead without cheating a bit but I can do a lot of other acrobatics which gymming would have never helped me do. Despite the aching joints, I have never injured myself.

I am allowed to go on at my own pace and be lazy. I coax myself gently everyday and sit back at the hint of slightest discomfort. I am not lifting weights that sent my body into the distress mode. And yet I see muscles yield and tone up.

My spiritual journey is yet to begin as my yoga practice is solely focused on losing inches.

But I am seeing benefits, which can only come when you are calm, at peace and connecting to your inner self although for a second at a time. My skin has a healthy glow. I no longer slouch and can sit with a straight back effortlessly. I feel less anxious at work. My self worth has gone up and I am more in touch with myself.

Yoga to me is almost feminine. It is not aggressive but artful. It asks you not to confirm but find your unique style. It lets you be awkward and slow but steady on track. It has also showed me a side of myself which I did not know of-determination and focus.


Swati said...

way to go gurl!! :)

Footloose and Screwloose said...

Thts so promotional na...anyways looking at myself now I think I must hv bn out of my mind when I wrote it.