Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bitter and sweet-II

I had never imagined that I would be caught in a complex web of hatred, slander and meanness, but I am. The people involved are some of my closest and the people targeted are the closest too. How can one demand respect when they do not know how to give respect. How can one claim to be hurt when they let go no opportunity to hurt. In the vicious cycle I am caught what I say gets used against me and sadly accepted too.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bitter and sweet-1

It has been five months since my girl's birth. Five long months that have been filled with countless lessons and revelations about me and others. In the strange world of relationships we tread, there are no caveats about what a possible step could entail. What things seem and what they are - are two different things. And, it is when the two realities collide and put things into perspective, the worthlessness of it all strikes. I am tired - rather shocked by how fragile bonds could be. One invests so much in other people, in forming bonds, but at the end of the day, you realize it was worth nothing. All it takes is ego, jealousy, insecurities and selfishness to undo it all. I am weary of what my daughter will learn out of it. I am disillusioned now that I know how grey the grey is. I often thought that I am fortunate to have been blessed with my little world. But like all bubbles, this one burst.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Get arty

For all art and craft loving moms and the not yet moms, is a treasure trove and an engaging website. And contests like are a cherry on the cake. Check out the above link for a wonderful prize that you could get lucky with.