We leave for Spain tomorrow, and as the time for the 14-hour flight approaches, sleep has begun to elude me. It had bothered me less earlier as the daily motions of life, and planning and shopping for the trip kept me on my toes. But now that it is here, I can think of nothing but all that can go wrong travelling with a teething and restless, 15-months old.
A lot of people had warned us about holidays having to be put on hold after the baby's arrival. But to their surprise and ours, the contrary happened. We have been on a few mini vacations including an eight-hour road trip since last year. It has been far from easy. But better than sitting at home and dreaming about all the fun we are missing. Holidays, of course, are not what they used to be.
Everything and every moment has to be worked around the kid's schedule. One full day has to be treated as half a day, as meal times, naps, meltdowns, and the unthinkable have to be factored in. Yet, we have stuck to our guns. Made the best of our circumstances, and been happy with what we could do. And so, going on a long-distance trip seemed ok until now. Anyway, there is no turning back and nothing better than taking the devil by its horns.
Please pray for us, and I will soon send a hola from the other side of the world.